On the Subject of Main Page

homestarrunner.net: “It’s dot com!”

On this module will appear a Homestar Runner main page. However, Homestar, the background and the button effects will come from various different main pages (see appendix FHQWHG4D5 for reference and description).

In the top right corner, there will be a bubble cycling through 3 messages and changing color.


At one point, the bubble will have one of these messages. Consider that message the first of the cycle. Take the color of each bubble as the column of the below table, and the main page number of the background as the row to get three main page buttons.

# Code B G R Y # Code B G R Y # Code B G R Y

The letters represent ’Toons, Games, Characters, Downloads, Store, and E-mail. Take the buttons in the order of the bubble’s colors, and convert their effects’ main page numbers to their alphanumeric positions (1=A, 2=B, etc.; An effect from main page 27 is not used).


If the serial number contains three unique letters, remove duplicates and numbers and arrange them in alphabetical order. The changes made in position in the serial number from original to alphabetical order should be replicated in the module’s three-letter sequence. If this condition is not met, skip this step.

Take the effects of the 3 buttons not in the table from top to bottom, find their main pages’ codes, and create an 18-letter string. The first button’s letters are 1, 2, and 3, the second button’s letters are 4, 5, and 6, and the third button’s letters are 7, 8, and 9. Take the codes of the background (10, 11, and 12) and Homestar (13, 14, and 15), then convert the number of letters in each bubble message to their alphanumeric positions (16, 17, and 18), and concatenate them all to the string. From there, arrange them in a rectangle as shown in the picture.

Skew it (left if in the sequence, right if ), squish it as demonstrated in the photo, and turn it all around. If , . Otherwise, . After doing so, go through each letter in the string. If the letter has occurred previously, replace it with the next letter in the alphabet. Replace it more than once and/or loop around if necessary to ensure each letter is unique. Insert this code in reading order into a 13x2 grid, with the remaining 8 letters in alphabetical order occupying the last 8 spots. From here, find the three letters of the message and replace them with the letters below or above them.

Finally, shift them backwards in the alphabet via a Caesar cipher using the number of ’s main page of origin.

The resulting string should match up with one of the 27 three-letter codes in the above table. Press the numbered button along the bottom that corresponds to this code to solve the module. A strike will not regenerate the module’s elements. Upon solving, the effects will no longer play.

Example (rule seed 1):

  • Messages: “new strong bad email” (17 letters), “biz cas fri” (9 letters), “short shorts!” (11 letters)
  • Colors: Yellow, Green, Blue
  • Background: 22
  • Homestar: 13
  • Toons: 19
  • Games: 11
  • Characters: 15
  • Downloads: 26
  • Store: 5
  • E-mail: 17
  • Initial encrypted message uses Email, Games and Toons: QKS
  • Serial number: V59EG0
  • Letters in serial number: VEG
  • Serial number alphabetical rearrangement: EGV (first letter moved to end)
  • Message rearrangement: KSQ
  • Initial sequence of 18: PBC GOS SSC VRS PXL QIK
  • Skew left, yellow is present
  • Turn all around (Homestar does not have default voice lines, reverse string): VCRSSSPSXOLGQCIBKP
  • Replace letters: VCRSTUPWXOLGQDIBKY
  • Table:
  • After translation: SKZ
  • Shift backwards by 22: WOD
  • Answer: Main Page 23

Appendix FHQWHG4D5: Main Page Reference


BG: The Moon
HS: Orange Spacesuit
FX: Green alien bouncing across

BG: Mountains
HS: Green Overalls
FX: Eagle flies

BG: Beach
HS: Yellow Shirt w/ Flowers
FX: Plane flies by w/ banner reading “WEAR A BIKINI!”

BG: Bowling Alley
HS: Red Polo Shirt
FX: Red bowling ball held up and spun

BG: Kitchen
HS: Waiter Uniform
FX: Plate w/ food held up

BG: Heaven
HS: White Robe, Halo
FX: Planes fly

BG: Graveyard
HS: Pink, brains visible
FX: Green character pops up from bottom of screen

BG: Falling through the sky
HS: Upside Down
FX: Bird w/ human legs flies across

BG: Notebook sketch
HS: Drawn outline
FX: Paper football flung

Appendix FHQWHG4D5: Main Page Reference (continued)


BG: Old-Timey
HS: Black and white
FX: Black-and-white character w/ mustache dances

BG: News Report
HS: Suit and Tie
FX: Block that displays a picture w/ text

BG: Night, Black Hills
HS: Facing away, wearing America-themed top hat
FX: Multicolored firework

BG: Atari 2600
HS: Heavily pixelated
FX: Atari dragon chasing pixelated character

BG: Shower
HS: Shower cap and towel
FX: Display steams up, “LEMKE” traced on steam

BG: Basic Drawing
HS: Poorly-drawn
FX: Boat reading “wear a bikini” spins and shrinks

Appendix FHQWHG4D5: Main Page Reference (continued)


BG: Snowy
HS: Brown cap and yellow scarf
FX: Snow falls

BG: Futuristic
HS: Anime
FX: Red character w/ blue hair runs and frontflips

BG: Tiled Ground, Spiked Background
HS: Normal
FX: Small brown character dashes in, exclaims “Eh! Steve!”, and leaves

BG: The Show
HS: Normal w/ microphone
FX: Round yellow character wearing nametag reading “downloads” bounces across

BG: Very Basic
HS: Dotted eyes, yellow shirt w/ duck
FX: Pile of grapes appears in background, small yellow character jumps out

BG: Vector Video Game
HS: Green and blocky w/ lines
FX: Red face appears, says “WELL, MY HEAD A SPLODE”, and explodes

Appendix FHQWHG4D5: Main Page Reference (continued)


BG: Broken Computer
HS: Normal head, old-timey body
FX: Multiple popups appear

BG: Rear-View
HS: Normal, facing away
FX: Wooden circle reading “wear a bikini!” floats across, tape plays “I’m the floating head of doom!”

BG: Generic (has text saying “24” on module)
HS: Blurred shirt (not shown in image)
FX: Notice appears requesting Flash 8 (not shown in image)

BG: Generic (has text saying “25” on module)
HS: Puppet
FX: Yellow character walks by holding blue boombox playing music

BG: Bright, Spiked
HS: Pointy, angry
FX: Angry elephant flies by, exclaiming “I’m mad that I’m flying!”

BG: Mountains, Cottage
HS: Hooded
FX: None